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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Heichelmann Palle Violin II Danish [1950 ca.]    
Heidrich Hans Violin II Chamber Music Society of Austrian Radio    
Heidrich Peter Violin II Benthien b. 1935  
Heifetz Benar Cello Kolisch b. 1899 1927 1939 d. 1974
Heikkilä Jouko Violin II Jean Sibelius    
Heilgendorff Simone Viola Kairos   1996  
Heim Walter Cello Hansa    
Heinitz Eva Cello University of Washington b. 1907 d. 2001
Heinonen Jouni Violin II [Unnamed] (HHPV)    
Heinreich Christian Violin II [Unnamed] (NHHF)    
Heitmann Anke Viola [Unnamed] (NHHF)    
Hejl Karel Violin II Brno   1969  
Hejný Petr Cello Stamic b. 1956 2007  
Hekster Jo D
Violin I Hekster b. 1907 1953 1972 d. 1978
Helasvuo Susanne Violin II Avanti!    
Hellsing Lennart Violin I [Unnamed] (HAPC)    
Helmer Terence Viola Orford b. 1940 1965 1986  
Helmerson Frans Cello Michelangelo   2002  
Hemming Dorothy Violin II Birmingham Ladies’    
Hemming Dorothy Viola Element