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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Saloma Luis Samuel Violin I México    
Salpeter Max Violin II Blech b. 1908 d. 2010
Salque ext François Cello Ysaÿe [1984]   2000 2005  
Additional references

Albuquerque Journal [2012-02-04]

Sametz Danielle Violin II Saint John   2014  
Samlík Oldřich Violin II Ostrava b. 1925 1953 1986 d. 1986
Sammons Albert Violin I London b. 1886 1908 1917 ca. d. 1957
Samsing Boris Violin II Kontra b. 1943 1973  
Samuel David Viola Afiara   2006 2013  
Samuel ext David Viola Cecilia   2015 2015  

During the leave of Caitlin Boyle

Samuel David Viola Alexander   2020 2025  
Samuel Laura Violin II Belcea b. 1976 1994  
Sancin Karel Violin II Prague [1920] b. 1893 1920 1923 d. 1974
Sand Kjeldsen Eyvind Violin I Scandinavian b. 1928  
Sandbakken Are Viola Oslo   1991  
Sandby Kristian Viola [Unnamed] (HSSH3)    
Sanderse Ruben Viola Huygens b. 1966  
Sanderse Ruben Viola Ives Ensemble    
Sandin Allan Viola Dakota    
Sandklef Per Violin II Lysell [1986]    
Sandmann Constanze Violin II TECC