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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Camus Amy Cello Long Island    
Camus Nathalie Violin II Alcan   1989  
Caner Karl Violin II Lenzewski    
Canetti Ofer Cello Testore [2013?] b. 1987  
Cangal Doğan Cello [Unnamed] (KYGC)    
Caniani Carmine Viola Mitja    
Canin Serena Violin II Brentano    
Cann David Viola Fanny Mendelssohn    
Cantor Emile Viola Orpheus b. 1955 1987  
Cantoreggi ext Muriel Violin I/II Swiss Chamber Concerts    

Also plays viola.

Cao Jia Cello Dakota    
Cap Luděk Violin I Kubín b. 1955  
Cap Luděk Violin II Kubín b. 1955 1972  
Capelle Fernande Violin I Capelle b. 1862? d. 1946?
Caplin Martha Violin I Primavera    
Caravassilis D
Eve-Marie Cello Psophos b. 1982  
Carbone Ronald Viola New Boston    
Carbone Ronald Viola Silvermine    
Cardas D
Værnes Cardas
Berit Violin I/II Vertavo b. 1969 1984 2011  
Cardas D
Værnes Cardas
Berit Viola Vertavo b. 1969 2011