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Region of origin (in the USA)
Sound and colour spectra
Spencer Dyke (1880?–1946), founding 1st violinist
Spīķeri Concert Hall
Elie Spivak (1902–60), founding 1st violinist, presumably
Pacific Northwest, USA
St. Lawrence River and Seaway
City of origin
Frank Stadler, founding 1st violinist ?
Jan Stamic (Johann Stamitz) (1717–57), composer
School of origin
Stanisław Leszczyński (1677–1766), King of the Polish-Lithuanian Union and Duke of Lorraine
Albert Stanley (1851–1932), music educator
Edith Steinbauer, founding 1st violinist (presumably)
Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871–1927), composer
Volkhard Steude (b. 1971), founding 1st violinist (presumably)