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Performing groups

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Name Reference in name Residence Began Ended  
Spring       M R
St. Helens U

Pacific Northwest, USA

USA 2004
  M R R
St. Lawrence U H

St. Lawrence River and Seaway

Canada 1989
USA 1990
2024 M T R R
St. Petersburg U A

City of origin

Russia 1985
USA 1997
  M T R
Stadler U

Frank Stadler, founding 1st violinist ?

Austria 1992
  M R
Stamic U A

Jan Stamic (Johann Stamitz) (1717–57), composer

Czechoslovakia 1985
  M T R R
Stanford [1984]

School of origin

USA 1984
1997? M R R
Stanislas U

Stanisław Leszczyński (1677–1766), King of the Polish-Lithuanian Union and Duke of Lorraine

France 1984
  M R R
Stanley H

Albert Stanley (1851–1932), music educator

USA 1948
1973 M T R R

Edith Steinbauer, founding 1st violinist (presumably)

1962 ca. M R
Stenhammar U

Wilhelm Stenhammar (1871–1927), composer

Sweden 1995
  M R R
Sterling       M R
Steude U

Volkhard Steude (b. 1971), founding 1st violinist (presumably)

Austria 2002
  M R
Stockholm [1928] H

City of origin

Sweden 1928
1950 ca. M T
Stockholm [1976] H

City of origin

Sweden 1976
  M T
Stony Brook  
  M R
Stradivari       M R
Stradivarius [1918 ca.]  
Russia 1918 ca.
  M R
Stradivarius [1929 ca.]  
USA 1929 ca.
  M R R

George Stratton, founding 1st violinist

England 192u
194u M R