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City of origin
Henri Vieuxtemps (1820–1881), composer and violinist (presumably)
A street in London, England
Josef Vlach (1923–88), founding 1st violinist
Josef Vlach (1923–88), founding 1st violinist of the original Vlach Quartet
Latin word for Voices
Quartet Voces intimæ by Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)
Tim Vogler, founding 1st violinist (presumably)
Imaginary Latin word from vox
Quartet of all women
Imre Waldbauer (1892–1953), founding 1st violinist; Jenő Kerpely (1885–1954), founding 1st cellist
Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
John (Jr.) Weicher (1904–69), founding 1st violinist (presumably)
Event of origin