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Performing groups

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Name Reference in name Residence Began Ended  
Stringart H  
  M T
Stuyvesant H

Telephone exchange in New York City; Peter Stuyvesant (d. 1672), a Dutch colonial governor

USA 1938
1954 M R
Suk A

Josef Suk (1874–1935), composer

Czechoslovakia 1968?
  M R R
Summer Session H

Black Mountain College, North Carolina

USA 1950
195u M T R
Canada 1998
  M R

Karl Suske (b. 1934), founding 1st violinist

Germany (Democratic Republic) 1965?
  M R
Swiss Chamber Concerts U H

Country of origin

Switzerland 1999
  M R
Sydney H

City of origin

Australia 1965 ca.
  M R R
Sydney Omega Ensemble U  
Australia 2005
  M R
Symphonia H  
USA 1953
1966 M R
Synapse Ensemble  
Canada 2001 ca.
  M R
Takács U H

Gábor Takács-Nagy (b. 1956), founding 1st violinist

Hungary 1975
USA 1986
  M T R R

Tale Olsson (b. 1964), founding 1st violinist (presumably)

Sweden 1981
  M R R
Talich U A

Václav Talich (1883–1961), conductor

Czechoslovakia 1964
  M R R
Tall Poppies  
  M R

City of origin

Estonia 1984
  M R R
Tana U H

Colloquial short form of Antananarivo (formerly Tananarive), Madagascar, where the idea to form the quartet originated

Belgium 2004
  M T R R
Taneev A
Имени Танеева

Sergey Taneev (1856–1915), composer

Russia 1946
  M R R

Gerald Tarack, founding 1st violinist

USA 19uu
  M R

Giuseppe Tartini (1692–1770), violinist and composer

Slovenia 1983
  M R