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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
Weißensteiner ext Raimund 1905–1997
Austria 1905
  M P
Additional references

Wech 1975, 1992
Communication from the Österreichische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Musik, 2011-11-21 

Welcher U Dan b. 1948
USA 1948
  M P R
Welin Karl-Erik 1934–1992
Sweden 1934
  M P R
Wellesz U ext Egon 1885–1974
Austria 1885
England 1938
  M P R
Additional references

Benser 1985

Wennäkoski Lotta b. 1970
Finland 1970
Werder ext Felix 1922–2012
Germany 1922
Great Britain 1935
Australia 1940
  M P R
Additional references

Australian Music Centre Werder file, list from 1995

Communication from the composer, 2010-09-29; personal visit, 2010-12-17

Wernick Richard b. 1934
USA 1934
  M P R
Wertheim Rosy A
Netherlands 1888
France 1929
Austria 1935
USA 1936
Netherlands 1937
Westergaard ext Svend 1922–1988
Denmark 1922
  M R
Additional references

Sekretariat for Ny Kompositionsmusik [2011-12-26]

Whitehead Gillian b. 1941
New Zealand 1941
Australia 1964
New Zealand 1965?
England 1967
Australia 1981
New Zealand 1996?
  M P
Whittington Stephen b. 1953
Australia 1953
  M R
Wiancko U Paul b. 1983
USA 1983
  M P R
Widmann U Jörg b. 1973
Germany (Federal Republic) 1973
  M P R
Wijeratne U Dinuk b. 1978
Sri Lanka 1978
United Arab Emirates
  M P R
Willan Healey 1880–1968
England 1880
Canada 1913

Sketches exist from the first decade of the 20th century for various string quartet compositions. Poem is the only one that was completed.

Willey James b. 1939
USA 1939
  M P R
Williams U Amy b. 1969
USA 1969
  M R
Williams U Kimo A
b. 1950
USA 1950
Wilson U ext Ian b. 1964
Northern Ireland 1964
Serbia 1998
Ireland 200u
  M P R
Problems, questions

Further residences to be determined

Wilson Stanley 1899–1953
England 1899