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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
Tsontakis ext George b. 1951
USA 1951
  M P R
Additional references

Theodore Presser [2014-03-08]

Tubin U Eduard 1905–1982
Estonia 1905
  M R
Tulve Helena b. 1972
Estonia 1972
  M P R
Tumševica Anitra b. 1971
Latvia 1971
  M P
Turellier Christine b. 1950
France 1950
  M P
Turina U Joaquín 1882–1949
Spain 1882
France 1905
Spain 1914
  M P R
Turnage Marc-Anthony b. 1960
England 1960
  M P R
Turner Robert 1920–2012
Canada 1920
USA 1947
Canada 1950 ca.
  M R
Tüür U Erkki-Sven b. 1959
Estonia 1959
  M P R
Tymoczko U Dmitri b. 1969
USA 1969
  M R
Tzortzis A
Nicolas A
b. 1978
Greece 1978
France 2002
  M P
Ullmann Viktor 1898–1944
Austro-Hungarian Empire 1898
Czechoslovakia 1919
Switzerland 1929
Germany 1931
Czechoslovakia 1933
Poland 1944

Born in Silesia

Urbaitis Mindaugas b. 1952
Lithuania 1952
  M R
Urbanner Erich b. 1936
Austria 1936
  M P R
Urner ext Catherine 1891–1942
USA 1891
France 1919
USA 1921
France 1924
Italy 1925
USA 1926
France 1929
USA 1933

Johnson 2003 is the only known source of information for the compositions, about which information remains to be verified or found.

Additional references

Johnson 2003

Usmanbaş İlhan b. 1921
Turkey 1921
USA 1952
Turkey 19uu
USA 1957
Turkey 1958

The quartets are not numbered.

Vacchi U Fabio b. 1949
Italy 1949
  M P R
Vacek Miloš 1928–2012
Czechoslovakia 1928
Valen ext Fartein 1887–1952
Norway 1887
Madagascar 1889
Norway 1893?
Germany 1909
Norway 1916
  M P R
Additional references

Gurvin 1962

Vali U Reza b. 1952
Iran 1952
Austria 1972
USA 19uu
  M P R