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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
van de Vate Nancy 1930–2023
USA 1930
Indonesia 1982
Austria 1985
van Delden U A
Lex A
Netherlands 1919
  M R
van der Pals U ext Leopold 1884–1966
Russian Empire 1884
Switzerland 1904
Germany 1907
Switzerland 1915
Additional references

Graf 2002

van Dieren Bernard 1887–1936
Netherlands 1887
England 1909

Quartet No. 4 is for violin, viola, cello, and string bass.

van Dijk U Jan 1918–2016
Netherlands 1918
  M R
van Eechaute Prosper 1904–1964
Belgium 1904
  M R
van Eycken U Karel b. 1943
Belgium 1943
  M R
van Vactor David 1906–1994
USA 1906
Vandervelde U Janika b. 1955
USA 1955
  M P
Vasco U ext Mendonça b. 1977
Portugal 1977
Problems, questions

Further residences TBA

Vasiliádis A
Αnastásios A
b. 1955
Greece 1955
  M R
Vasks ext Pēteris b. 1946
Latvia 1946
Lithuania 1964
Latvia 1970
  M P R
Additional references

Latvian Music Information Centre [2011-03-07]

Vaughan Williams U Ralph 1872–1958
England 1872
  M P R
Vellère ext Lucie 1896–1966
Belgium 1896
  M R
Additional references

CeBeDeM [2013-09-09]

Veress U Sándor 1907–1992
Hungary 1907
Switzerland 1949
  M R
Vermeulen A
van der Meulen
Matthijs A
Netherlands 1888
Belgium 1904
Netherlands 1905
France 1921
Netherlands 1946
  M R
Verrall ext John 1908–2001
USA 1908
Hungary 1931
USA 1932
  M R
Additional references

University of Washington Libraries, Guide to the John Verrall Papers [2016-04-07]

Vicars U Mervyn 1905–1991
England 1905
Victory Gerard 1921–1995
Ireland 1921
Vidovszky László b. 1944
Hungary 1944
France 1970
Hungary 1971?
  M R