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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
Wolfe U ext Julia b. 1958
USA 1958
  M P R
Problems, questions

Further residences to be determined

Wolff U ext Christian b. 1934
France 1934
USA 1941
  M R
Problems, questions

Further residences to be determined

Wolfgang U Gernot b. 1957
Austria 1957
  M R
Wolosoff U Bruce b. 1955
USA 1955
  M R
Wolpe A
Michael A
b. 1960
Israel 1960
Additional references

Israel Composers’ League [2015-04-03]

Wolpe U Stefan 1902–1972
Germany 1902
Palestine 1933
USA 1938
  M R
Wong U Cynthia Lee b. 1982
USA 1982
  M P
Wood ext Charles 1866–1926
Ireland 1866
England 1883

Not included are 5 Irish Dances, 33 Folk Melodies, a Quodlibet, and a Theme and Variations, all listed as “short-score sketches” (with one dance “unfinished”) in Copley 1978. There may be additional fragmemts.

Additional references

Copley 1978

Wood ext Hugh 1932–2021
England 1932
  M P R
Additional references

Venn 2008 [2014-02-25]; Chester/Novello [2012-01-21]

Wood Philip b. 1972
England 1972
  M P
Wordsworth ext William 1908–1988
England 1908
Scotland 1934
England 1936?
Scotland 1961
  M P R
Problems, questions

Any overlap in the early quartets is unknown. 

Additional references

Scottish Music Centre; Conway 2008

Woytowicz ext Bolesław 1899–1980
Poland 1899
France 1929
Poland 1932
Additional references

Culture (Poland)

Wright Christopher b. 1954
England 1954
  M R
Wright U ext David b. 1946
Great Britain
Problems, questions

Residence to be confirmed

Wuorinen U Charles 1938–2020
USA 1938
  M P R
Wurtz U Amy b. 1976
USA 1976
  M P R
Wyner Yehudi b. 1929
Canada 1929
USA 19uu
Italy 1953
USA 1956
  M R
Wyschnegradsky U A
Ivan A
Russian Empire 1893
France 1920
  M P R
Xenakis A
Iannis A
Greece 1922
France 1947
  M P R
Yamamoto U A
Kazutomo A
b. 1975
Japan 1975
  M P