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Name Reference in name Residence Began Ended  
Kontra H

Anton Kontra (1932–2020), founding 1st violinist

Denmark 1973
  M T R R
Kontras U

Afrikaans kontras

USA 2009
  M T R R

Mikhail Kopel'man (b. 1947), founding 1st violinist

[Unknown] 2002
  M R

Julius Koppel (1910–2005), founding violist, and Else Marie Bruun (Koppel) (1911–2007), founding 1st violinist

Denmark 1945
198u M R R
Košice A
Košické kvarteto

City of origin

Czechoslovakia 1973
  M R
Krasnïy A

Russian word meaning red, also bright and finе.

Russia 1998
  M R
Kreiner H

Edward Kreiner, founding violist

USA 1934
1938 M T R

Robert Krettly, founding 1st violinist

France 19uu
19uu M R R
Kreutzer H  
Great Britain 1988
  M R R
Kreuzberg A

A district in Berlin, presumably

Germany (Federal Republic) 1970?
  M R R
  M T R
Kroger U

The novella Tonio Kröger, by Thomas Mann

Denmark 1999
  M R

William Kroll (1901–80), founding 1st violinist

USA 1944
1969 M R R
Kronos U H

A respelling of Χρόνος (Khrónos), a Greek word for time; also a Greek god

USA 1973
  M T R R
Czechoslovakia 1972
  M R
Kuss U

Jana Kuss, founding 1st violinist ?

Germany 1991
  M R R
Kyndel H

Otto Kyndel (1904–83), founding 1st violinist

Sweden 1941
1969 M T R R
La meije

The mountain la Meije in southeastern France

  M R
La Scala

Organization of origin

Italy 1953
  M R
Lafayette U H

Lafayette Towers and Lafayette Avenue in Detroit MI, USA

USA 1985
Canada 1991
2023 M T R R