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Name Reference in name Residence Began Ended  
Martinů U H

Bohuslav Martinů (1890–1959), composer

Czechoslovakia 1976
  M T R R
Matangi U

Hindu outsider goddess of the arts

Netherlands 1999
  M T R
Mate       M R
Maxwell U  
Scotland 2010
  M R

Fiona McCapra, founding 1st violinist (presumably)

England 19uu
  M R

School of origin

Canada 1939
195u M T R
Meccore U  
Poland 2007
  M R
England 1971
2007 M R R
Melbourne H

City of origin

Australia 1971
  M R R
USA 1982
  M R
Melnik       M T R
Melos (Stuttgart) H

Μέλος (Mélos), a Greek word for melody; letters in the names Melcher and Voss, and Melonenstraße in Stuttgart

Germany (Federal Republic) 1965
2005 M T R R
USA 1979
2009 M R R
Menges H

Isolde Menges (1893–1976), founding 1st violinist

England 1929 ca.
  M R
USA 1990
  M R
Messer U  
  M R
Finland 2001
  M R

Country of origin

México 1967?
  M R
México City  
México 1995
  M R
Miami U H

City of origin

USA 1988
  M R R