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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Newell William Violin II Solem    
Newman Mitchell Violin II Southwest Chamber Music    
Neysmith Desmond Cello Harlem   2006 2010 ca.  
Ngoc Stéphane Tran Violin II DaPonte   2003 2005  
Nguyen Kim Mai Viola [Unnamed] (AJNW)    
Nichiteanu Marius Viola Sonare    
Nichols Rebecca Violin I Atlantic [1995]    
Nickrenz Scott Viola Claremont    
Nickrenz Scott Viola Lenox [1957]   1957  
Nickrenz Scott Viola Vermeer   1969  
Nicola Ingrid Violin II ConTempo   1995  
Nicolai Helmut Viola Rosamunde   1992 2009  
Nicolas Michael Cello Brooklyn Rider   2016  
Nicolia Tim Cello Lexington    
Niederle Jan Violin II Kubín b. 1956  
Nielsen Aksel Cello [Unnamed] (RNKN)    
Nielsen Bjarne Strange Violin II [Unnamed] (RNKN)    
Nielsen Hans Violin II Danish [1950 ca.]    
Niemelä Hanna Viola Castalian   2010 2011  
Nierlich Frithof Violin I [Unnamed] (NHHF)