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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Uzelac D
Goran D
Violin I Mixed b. 1976  
Vacek Miloš Violin I Janáček [1947]   1996  
Vacek Václav Violin II Academy of Performing Arts (Prague)    
Vághy Alanna Violin II Vághy   1981  
Vághy Dezső Violin I Vághy   1965  
Vághy Tibor Viola Vághy   1965  
Vaidman Vera Violin I H. Gertler    
Vainio Jarmo Cello [Unnamed] (HHPV)    
Vainiūnaitė Audronė Violin I Vilnius   1965 2015?  
Valchinov Angel Violin II Boston    
Valdés Eugenio Violin II Havana    
Valdimarsdóttir Ásdís Viola Miami    
Valdimarsdóttir Ásdís Viola Chilingirian b. 1962 1995 2003?  
Valdimarsdóttir Ásdís Viola Utrecht b. 1962 2006?  
Valdinoci Tommaso Viola La Scala    
Valente Teresa Cello Isasi    
Valenti Fita Cello Greek    
Valenti Ivo Viola Bredo    
Vallin Arnaud Violin I Parisii   2002?  
Valo Jari Violin I Kokkola