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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Schmidt Gerhard Violin II Berlin Comic Opera    
Schmidt Nanette Violin II Mandelring    
Schmidt Niklas Cello Fine Arts b. 1958 2018  
Schmidt Rachel Violin II Scharoun Ensemble (Berlin)   2010  
Schmidt Rainer Violin II [Unnamed] (BSIR)    
Schmidt Rainer Violin II Hagen   1987  
Schmidt Reiner Viola Sonare    
Schmidt Sebastian Violin I Mandelring    
Schmidt von Altenstadt Tinta Violin I/II Rubin    
Schmidt-Laipa Margarethe Violin II Bruinier    
Schmidt-Martin Eoin Viola Carducci    
Schmitt Homer Violin I Walden b. 1911 1934 1979? d. 1980
Schmitz Thomas Cello Signum   1994  
Schnarr ext Jasmine Viola Molinari   2002 2006  
Additional references

The Beethoven Project [2011-04-08]

Schneebeli David Viola Galatea   2005 2013  
Schneeberger Hansheinz Violin I [Unnamed] (SMBW)    
Schneider Alexander Violin II Budapest b. 1908 1932 1943 d. 1993
Schneider Alexander Violin II Budapest b. 1908 1955 1967 d. 1993
Schneider David Violin II California [1946 ca.]    
Schneider Helmut Violin II Cantabile