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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Kornstein D
Egon Viola Waldbauer-Kerpely b. 1891 1912 1923 d. 1987
Környei Zsófia Violin II Keller b. 1975  
Koromzay Dénes Viola New Hungarian b. 1913 d. 2001
Koromzay Dénes Viola Hungarian b. 1913 1935 1952 d. 2001
Koromzay Dénes Viola Hungarian b. 1913 1953 1972 d. 2001
Kortelainen Antti Violin II Spīķeru    
Korunić Mario Violin II Fanny Mendelssohn    
Kosemyan D
Alek'sandr D
Viola Komitas b. 1946 1990  
Koskela Silva Violin I Tempera   1997 2003  
Koskela Silva Violin II Tempera   2003  
Koskinen Eeva Violin I Utrecht    
Kosonen Veikko Viola Sibelius Academy    
Kossmann Annie Violin I South African Broadcasting Corporation (Radio)    
Kostecký Lubomír Viola Smetana b. 1922 1943 1947 d. 2003
Kostecký Lubomír Violin II Smetana b. 1922 1947 1989 d. 2003
Koster Rick Violin II Duke    
Koster Rick Violin II Smith    
Kostyak Emeric Cello Erato    
Kotulska Agnieska Cello Aurora (Weimar)    
Kouguell Alexander Cello Silvermine b. 1920