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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Shulman Alan Cello Kreiner b. 1915 1934 1938 d. 2002
Shulman Sylvan Violin I Kreiner b. 1912 1934 1938 d. 1985
Végh ext Sándor Violin II Hungarian b. 1912 1937 1938 d. 1997
Problems, questions

Several sources indicate incorrectly that he left in 1940.

Additional references

Kenneson 1994

Brosa Antonio Violin I Brosa b. 1894 1925 1938 ca. d. 1979
Kreiner Edward Viola Kreiner b. 1890 1934 1938? d. 1969
Heifetz Benar Cello Kolisch b. 1899 1927 1939 d. 1974
Lehner Eugen D
Viola Kolisch b. 1906 1927 1939 d. 1997
Rosé Alma Violin II Rosé b. 1906 1939 1939 d. 1944
Smirnoff Zelly Violin II Stuyvesant   1938 1939 d. 1955
Temesváry János Violin II Waldbauer-Kerpely b. 1891 1909 193u? d. 1964
Berezowsky D
Nicolai D
Violin II Coolidge [19uu] b. 1900 1935 1940 d. 1953
Lasalle-Leduc Annette Violin II Montréal [1934]   1934 1940  
Maas Robert Cello Pro Arte b. 1901 1922 1940 d. 1948
Onnou ext Alphonse Violin I Pro Arte b. 1893 1912 1940 d. 1940
Problems, questions

Désiré Defauw, sometimes listed as a founding member, is said to have founded a different quartet in 1912. (He founded the Allied Quartet in London around 1914.) See Additional references at the bottom of the column to the left.

Additional references

An unsigned short biography of Germain Prévost in the archives of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, probably written in 1943

Photo: At Alphonse Onnou’s grave, April 22, 2012

Robert Lucien Viola Montréal [1934]   1934 1940  
Sackson David Violin II Gordon   1940  
Sicotte Lucien Violin I Montréal [1934] b. 1902 1938 1940 d. 1943
Auber Stefan Cello Kolisch b. 1903 1939 1941 d. 1986
Blackstone D
Milton Viola Hart House b. 1894 1923 1941 d. 1974
Glickman Harry Violin II Stuyvesant b. 1910 1940 1941 d. 1996