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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Herrmann Carl Viola Gewandhaus b. 1876 1904 1941 d. 19uu
Khuner ext Felix Violin II Kolisch b. 1906 1926 1941 d. 1991
Additional references

Five-part interview, 1989–90 [2010-09-09]

Kievman Louis Viola Stuyvesant b. 1910 1939 1941 d. 1990
Rebhan Willy Cello Gewandhaus b. 1903 1937 1941 d. 1993
Schauss Willy Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1892 1937 1941 d. 19uu
Schwartz ext David Viola Walden b. 1916 1938 1941 d. 2013
Additional references

In programs from 1938 to 1940 and newspaper columns up to 1941

Schweyda Willibald Violin I Prague [1920]   1933 1941  
Večtomov Ivan Cello Prague [1920] b. 1902 1933 1941 d. 1981
Veissi D
Jascha D
Viola Kolisch b. 1898 1939 1941 d. 1983
Warwick Evans Charles Cello Pro Arte b. 1885 1940 1941 d. 1974
Wollgandt Edgar Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1880 1903 1941 d. 1949
Belland Jean Viola McGill b. 1895 1939 1942 d. 1965
Gottlieb Victor Cello Pro Arte   1941 1942 d. 1963
Koldofsky Adolph Violin II Hart House b. 1905 1938 1942 d. 1951
Oriold Joseph Cello McGill   1939 1942  
Sherrard Edwin Violin II McGill   1939 1942  
Sopkin George Cello Fine Arts b. 1914 1939 1942 d. 2008
Vardi Emanuel Viola Stuyvesant b. 1915 1941 1942 d. 2011
Wilk Maurice Violin II Stuyvesant   1942 d. 1963
Bäck ext Sven-Erik Violin II Kyndel b. 1919 1941 1942? d. 1994
Additional references

Sven-Erik Bäck may have made recordings with the Quartet in June and December 1943.