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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Bailly Louis Viola Flonzaley   1917 1924  
Frank Maurits Cello Amar [1921] b. 1892 1922 1924 d. 1959
Kolisch Rudolf Violin I Kolisch b. 1896 1922 1924 d. 1978
Fitz Oskar Violin II Kolisch   1922 1924?  
d’Archambeau Félicien Viola Flonzaley   1924 1925  
Flügel Gertrud Viola Bentz   1925 ca. 1925?  
Baldner Max Cello Klingler   1916 1926  
Klengel Julius Cello Gewandhaus b. 1859 1899 1926 d. 1933
Kolisch Rudolf Violin I/II Kolisch b. 1896 1924 1926 d. 1978
Rothschild Fritz Violin I/II Kolisch b. 1891 1924 1926 d. 1975
Gerster Ottmar Viola Lenzewski b. 1897 1924? 1926? d. 1969
Dick Marcel Viola Kolisch b. 1898 1924 1927 d. 1991
Hindemith Rudolf Cello Amar [1921] b. 1900 1924 1927 d. 1974
Levey James Violin I London b. 1887 1917 1927 d. 1955
Pogány Imre Violin II Budapest b. 1893 1920 1927 d. 1975
Stutschewsky Joachim Cello Kolisch b. 1891 1924 1927 d. 1982
Brustad Bjarne Viola Norwegian [1924] b. 1895 1924 1928 d. 1978
Betti Adolfo Violin I Flonzaley b. 1875 1906 1929 d. 1950
d’Archambeau ext Iwan Cello Flonzaley b. 1879 1903 1929  
Additional references

Concert program, [1915?]-01-11 (marked 1922), University Archives, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Hindemith Paul Viola Amar [1921] b. 1895 1921 1929 d. 1963