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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Török František Violin II Moyzes    
Török Zsolt Cello Arcadia    
Torrico Menacho Daniel Violin II Matangi   1999 2023  
Toskov Alex Violin I Odin   2015  
Tóth Andor (Jr.) Cello New Hungarian b. 1948 d. 2002
Tóth Andor (Sr.) Violin I New Hungarian b. 1925 d. 2006
Tóth Andor (Sr.) Violin I Stanford [1984] b. 1925 1984 1989? d. 2006
Toth Arthur Viola Gong    
Tóth Balász Viola Somogyi    
Tóth Erika Violin II Éder b. 1957 1978? 1986  
Tóth Erika Violin II Kodály   2005  
Tóth Judit Violin I Danubius    
Tóth Zoltán Viola Éder    
Tóth Zoltán Viola Ravel    
Touche Firmin Violin I Touche    
Tozawa D
Tetsuo D
Violin II Morgaŭa b. 1971 2001  
Trainor Michael Violin II Piatti b. 1987  
Traksmann Harry Violin I [Unnamed] (TREK)    
Tramitz Nikolas Violin II Modern   1989 1991  
Trampler Walter Viola Lywen b. 1915 d. 1997