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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Owen Larry Violin I [Unnamed] (OLTL)    
Owen Patrick Cello Portland   2015 2018  
Owens Emma Viola Montague    
Øyen Trond Violin II Hindar b. 1929 1964 1980 d. 1999
Özkök Cengiz Violin II Ankara    
Ozoliņš Pēteris Cello ReDo b. 1987 2006  
O’Brien Jack Violin II Griller b. 1909 1928 1960  
O’Brien Paul Viola Melbourne    
O’Brien Paul Viola Paul McDermott   1951  
O’Kane Brian Cello Navarra   2012 ca.  
O’Malley Rohana Violin II Huon    
O’Neill Richard Viola Crowley    
O’Neill Richard Viola Fred Sherry    
O’Neill Richard Viola Ehnes   2010  
O’Neill Richard Viola Takács b. 1978 2020  
O’Reilly Brendan Violin II Gabrieli b. 1934 1969  
O’Riordan Julia Viola Tippett    
Páč Boris Cello Brno   1969  
Pacáček Vlastimil Violin I Ostrava b. 1938 1970 1978  
Paccagnella Luca Cello Paul Klee