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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Sopkin George Cello Pro Arte b. 1914 1942 1943 d. 2008
Zorian Olive Violin I Zorian b. 1916 1942 1949 d. 1965
Friisholm Lavard Violin II Erling Bloch b. 1912 1942? 1958 d. 1999
Fruh Karl Cello Fine Arts b. 1914 1942? d. 1999
Guilet D
Daniel Violin I Guilet b. 1899 1942? d. 1990
Lundgren Tage Violin II Kyndel   1942? 1952?  
Borre Niels Violin II Leo Hansen b. 1897 1943 1953 d. 1960
Ericson Ivan Violin I Ivan Ericson b. 1911 1943  
Friedländer Ernst Cello Pro Arte b. 1906 1943 1955 d. 1966
Hammerschlag Lotte Viola Busch b. 1904 1943 1944 d. 2005
Hansen Leo Violin I Leo Hansen b. 1911 1943  
Hersh Ralph Viola Stuyvesant b. 1910 1943 1954 d. 1985
Kostecký Lubomír Viola Smetana b. 1922 1943 1947 d. 2003
Poinar George Viola Walden b. 1910 1943 1946 d. 1986
Rahier Albert Violin II Pro Arte b. 1894? 1943 1960 d. 1983
Rebhan Willy Cello Gewandhaus b. 1903 1943 1945 d. 1993
Rybenský Jaroslav Violin II Smetana b. 1923 1943 1947 d. 1997
Brodal Jon Violin I Hindar b. 1911 1944 1950 d. 1998
Glyde Cyril Viola Hart House b. 1904 1944 1946 d. 1982
Hindar Johannes Viola Hindar b. 1917 1944 1980 d. 1999