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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Smirnoff Zelly Violin II Stuyvesant   1938 1939 d. 1955
Terian D
Mik'ayel D
Viola Komitas b. 1905 1938 1947 d. 1984
Aller D
Eleanor Cello Hollywood b. 1917 1939 1961 d. 1995
Auber Stefan Cello Kolisch b. 1903 1939 1941 d. 1986
Belland Jean Viola McGill b. 1895 1939 1942 d. 1965
Brott Alexander Violin I McGill b. 1915 1939 195u d. 2005
Buchner Willi Violin II Koeckert b. 1910 1939 1965  
Kievman Louis Viola Stuyvesant b. 1910 1939 1941 d. 1990
Koeckert Rudolf Violin I Koeckert b. 1913 1939 1982 d. 2005
Lehnhoff Sheppard Viola Fine Arts b. 1905 1939 1952 d. 1978
Merz Josef Cello Koeckert b. 1911 1939 1976  
Oriold Joseph Cello McGill   1939 1942  
Price Walter Violin II Rosé   1939  
Riedl Oskar Viola Koeckert b. 1912 1939 1975  
Robyn Paul Viola Hollywood b. 1908 1939 1955? d. 1970
Rosé Alma Violin II Rosé b. 1906 1939 1939 d. 1944
Senescu Bernard D
Violin II Fine Arts b. 1904 1939 194u d. 1968
Sherrard Edwin Violin II McGill   1939 1942  
Shure Paul Violin II Hollywood b. 1921 1939 1958 d. 2011
Slatkin Felix Violin I Hollywood b. 1915 1939 1961 d. 1963