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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Sopkin George Cello Fine Arts b. 1914 1939 1942 d. 2008
Sorkin Leonard Violin I Fine Arts b. 1916 1939 1982 d. 1985
Tomlinson Ernest Viola Rosé   1939  
Veissi D
Jascha D
Viola Kolisch b. 1898 1939 1941 d. 1983
Greenhouse Bernard Cello Dorian b. 1916 1939? 1942? d. 2011
Jaffe Charles Violin II Curtis   193u  
Šulek Stjepan Violin I Zagreb b. 1914 193u d. 1986
Brosa ext Antonio Violin I Pro Arte b. 1894? 1940 1944 d. 1979
Problems, questions

In a letter dated September 21, 1943, Antonio Brosa indicates he was born in 1897.

Glickman Harry Violin II Stuyvesant b. 1910 1940 1941 d. 1996
Janzer Georges Viola Végh b. 1914 1940 1978 d. 1989
Szabó Paul Cello Végh   1940  
Végh Sándor Violin I Végh b. 1912 1940 1978 d. 1997
Warwick Evans Charles Cello Pro Arte b. 1885 1940 1941 d. 1974
Zöldy Sándor Violin II Végh   1940 1978  
Bäck ext Sven-Erik Violin II Kyndel b. 1919 1941 1942? d. 1994
Additional references

Sven-Erik Bäck may have made recordings with the Quartet in June and December 1943.

Brodin Gereon Viola Kyndel b. 1901 1941 1952  
de Ridder Allard Viola Hart House b. 1887 1941 1944 d. 1966
Dembeck John Viola Parlow b. 1914 1941 1945 d. 1993
Eichhorn August Cello Gewandhaus b. 1899 1941 1943 d. 1980
Genzel Franz Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1901 1941 1945 d. 1968