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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Berlin Deborah Violin II Primavera    
Berlinskiy D
Valentin D
Cello Borodin b. 1925 1945 2007 d. 2008
Berly Harry Viola Music Society    
Bernard Maryse Violin II Provence    
Bernard Vincent Cello Arthur LeBlanc    
Bernášek Václav Cello Kocian b. 1944 1972  
Bernède Jean-Claude Violin I Bernède b. 1935 1963 1991 d. 1991
Berner Florian Cello Hugo Wolf b. 1973 ca. 1993  
Bernhard Philippe Violin I Modigliani   2003 2016  
Bernhardsson Sibbi Violin II Pacifica   2000 2017  
Bernhart Roman Viola Eos (Vienna)   1993  
Bernsohn Lorin Cello [Unnamed] (RCIB)    
Berofsky Aaron Violin I Chester   1992?  
Beroukhim Cyrus Violin II Zukofsky    
Berres George Violin II New Art [1947 ca.]    
Berrette Jean-Michel Violin II Parisii   1981  
Berridge Cara Cello Sacconi   2001  
Berry Anne Cello West End    
Berry Jeremy Viola Calidore    
Bertóthy Barna D
Cello Márta Hidy   1950 1952?