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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Novotný Břetislav Violin II Prague [1920] b. 1924 1954 1955  
Pomykalo Zvonimir Cello Zagreb b. 1919 1954 195u d. 1993
Šestak Tomislav Violin II Zagreb b. 1931 1954  
Šroubek Karel Violin I Prague [1920]   1954 1966  
Stranić Dušan Viola Zagreb b. 1927 1954 d. 2005
de Nobel Johan Cello Hekster b. 1912 1954 ca. 1961 d. 1986
Adam Claus Cello Juilliard b. 1917 1955 1974 d. 1983
Baxa Jiří Violin II Prague [1920]   1955 1966  
Bosse Gerhard Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1922 1955 1977 d. 2012
Bress Hyman Violin I Montreal [1955] b. 1931 1955 1963 d. 1995
Creitz Lowell Cello Pro Arte b. 1931 1955 1976 d. 2020
Goodman Mildred Violin II Montreal [1955] b. 1922 1955 1963  
Joachim Otto Viola Montreal [1955] b. 1910 1955 d. 2010
Joachim Walter Cello Montreal [1955] b. 1912 1955 d. 2001
Kirstein Jack Cello LaSalle b. 1921 1955 1975 d. 1996
Koníček Zdeněk Cello Prague [1955] b. 1918 1955 1968 d. 2019
Novotný Břetislav Violin I Prague [1955] b. 1924 1955 2001 d. 2019
Richter Miroslav Violin II Prague [1955]   1955 1957  
Schneider Alexander Violin II Budapest b. 1908 1955 1967 d. 1993
Schou Allan Violin II Musica-Vitalis b. 1926 1955