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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Fallstad Russell Viola Fry Street    
Falvay Attila Violin I Kodály   1980  
Fan Felix Cello Flux    
Fan Kai-Hsi Viola Jade [2001] b. 1983 2013  
Fankuchen Jory Violin I Kailas    
Farina Danielle Viola LARK   1998 2002  
Farmæus Lars Violin II Gimpel    
Farrands Stefanie Viola Hamer    
Farrell John Violin II Iowa    
Farris Ralph Viola Ethel   1998  
Farulli Piero Viola Italiano b. 1920 1947 1977 d. 2012
Fauré Padrig Viola Ludwig   1985  
Fay ext Pamela Viola Wister   1989  
Additional references

Communication from Lloyd Smith, 2012-07-17

Feder Abraham Cello Florida    
Fedkenheuer ext William Violin II Borromeo   2000 2006  
Additional references

Miró Quartet [2013-01-28]

Fedkenheuer William Violin I Fry Street   2006 2011?  
Fedkenheuer William Violin II Miró   2011  
Fegent Geoffrey Violin II Lehmann    
Feguš Andrej Viola Feguš    
Feguš Filip Violin I Feguš