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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Gallagher Gillian Viola Attacca    
Gallagher Maureen Viola Composers    
Gallaway Philip Violin II Coull    
Galli Tullo Violin II Frydén b. 1933  
Galluzzo Amy Violin II Carpe Diem   2013 2018  
Galochkina D
Ol'ga D
Cello Prokof'ev    
Galt Tony Violin II Sydney    
Gamard Jean-Marie Cello Via nova    
Gambetti Giuseppe Violin II La Scala    
Gamma Lorenz Violin I Southwest Chamber Music    
Ganatra Simin Violin I Pacifica b. 1973 1994  
Gandelsman ext Johnny D
Violin I Brooklyn Rider   2005  
Problems, questions

Position to be confirmed

Gandelsman D
Yuri D
Viola Fine Arts b. 1951 2001 2008  
Garbarg Jérémy Cello Arod   2021  
García Gilberto Viola México b. 1926 1967 ca.  
García Pala Violin II Either/Or    
García Pala Violin I [Unnamed] (GPVV)    
Garcia Serge Violin I Verdi    
Gardelle Barnett Violin II Lywen    
Gardner Robert Cello Tarack