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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Streisfeld Ari Violin I/II JACK   2005 2016  
Strimaitis Aidas Violin II Chordos    
Stringfellow Nick Cello Villiers   2011  
Střížek Petr Violin II Zemlinsky    
Strongin Katz Martha Viola Cleveland b. 1943? 1969 1980  
Štros Jan Clemens Cello Suk    
Strosser Geneviève Viola Diotima   1997 1997  
Strynckx Catherinne Cello Lopes-Graça    
Stuhr Barbara Violin I Amar Corde    
Stulgys Algirdas Violin I Lithuanian State Philharmonic   1978 1981  
Sturm Harry Cello Weicher    
Sturt Hilary Violin II Rasumovsky [1984]    
Stutschewsky Joachim Cello Kolisch b. 1891 1924 1927 d. 1982
Stwertka Julius Viola Rosé b. 1872 1934? d. 1942
Styrenius Dag Violin II Norrköping   1965 1972  
Succi Stefano Violin I Ensemble Merian    
Sucre Willy Viola Helios    
Suganuma Junji Viola Iwamoto Mari   1964 1976  
Sugarman Berul Violin I Modern Art (Canada)    
Sugarman Berul Violin II Solway