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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Yeadon Daniel Cello Fitzwilliam   1995 2000  
Yee Andrew Cello Attacca    
Yenney Kris Cello New England    
Ying D
David D
Cello Ying   1988  
Ylönen Marko Cello New Helsinki    
Ylönen Marko Cello [Unnamed] (OFGY)    
Yogasundram Nina Cello Elysian    
Young Josephine Cello New Zealand   1987 1994  
Ysselstyn Cornelius Cello Parlow   1948 1958?  
Yu Joanne Cello Enterprise    
Yu D

Shi-Yu D
Cello Jade [2001]    
Yun Susan Cello Florida    
Zając Agata Cello Amar Corde    
Zalkind Matthew Cello Harlem   201u  
Zamastil Wolfgang Cello Asasello   2009 2014  
Zanin Angelo Cello Venice    
Zanlonghi Gilbert Cello Royal Theatre of the Mint    
Zavelberg Ulrike Cello Rubin    
Zedeler ext Nils Cello Aulin   1900 1903?  

Alternated with Carl Lindhe

Zedníček Jiří Cello Kubín b. 1952 1977