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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Belden David Violin II Ad hoc    
Belding Andrea Violin II [Unnamed] (CBBH)    
Beldman Winnyfred Cello Ruysdael   1996 2005  
Belin S. Violin II Indig    
Belknap Monte Violin I Brigham Young University Faculty    
Bell Daniel Violin II Petersen    
Bell Jeremy Violin I/II Penderecki   1999  
Bell Sian Cello Bălănescu    
Belland Jean Viola McGill b. 1895 1939 1942 d. 1965
Belov Samuel Viola Kilbourn    
Belton Ian Violin II Brodsky   1972  
Belugin Fëdor Viola David Oistrakh    
Belugin D
Fëdor D
Viola Shostakovich b. 1982 2005 2011  
Ben-Zion Guy Viola Pacifica   2017 2018  
Benac Andrew Violin II Parlow   1951 1958  
Benavides Rómulo Violin I Dalí   2005 2008  
Benčić Anastasia D
Viola [Unnamed] (LMKS)    
Bender Wolfgang Violin I/II Kairos   1996  
Benditzky Naoum Cello Coolidge [19uu]    
Benditzky Naoum Cello Gordon