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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
Schidlowsky U León b. 1931
Chile 1931
Germany (Federal Republic) 1951
Chile 1954
Israel 1969 ca.
Schissel ext Eric b. 1969
USA 1969
Additional references

IMSLP [2012-01-08]

Schmidt U Franz 1874–1939
Hungary 1874
Austria 1888
  M R
Schmidt U Hansjürgen b. 1935
Germany 1935
Schmidt ext Ole 1928–2010
Denmark 1928
France 1992 ca.
  M P R
Additional references

Sekretariat for Ny Kompositionsmusik [2011-12-30]
Edition S [2011-12-30] 

Schmidt-Kowalski U Thomas 1949–2013
Germany (Federal Republic) 1949
  M R
Schnabel ext Artur 1882–1951
Galicia 1882
Austria 1884?
Germany (Federal Republic) 1898
Italy 1933
USA 1939
  M P R
Problems, questions

Schnabel thought the move to Vienna had taken place a few years later than 1884.

Additional references

Jeschke 2003

Schnebel Dieter 1930–2018
Germany 1930
  M P R
Schneider U Maria b. 1960
USA 1960
  M P
Schnittke A
Alfred A
USSR 1934
Germany (Federal Republic) 1990

Born in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Schoeck U Othmar 1886–1957
Switzerland 1886
Germany 1907
Switzerland 1908
  M R
Schoeller ext Philippe b. 1957
France 1957
  M P
Additional references

IRCAM [2011-03-22]

Schoenberg A
Arnold 1874–1951
Austria 1874
Germany 1901
Austria 1903
Germany 1911
Austria 1915
Germany 1926
USA 1933

In the works’ Catalog column, ASC means Arnold Schönberg Center.

Many of Schoenberg’s dozens of short pieces in four parts may be played by a string quartet. The list here includes only those written specifically for string quartet or recorded as such.

Additional references

Arnold Schönberg Center Archive [2012-06-04]

Schollum Robert 1913–1987
Austria 1913
Schönberg ext Stig Gustav b. 1933
Sweden 1933
Problems, questions

Further residences to be determined

Schönthal ext Ruth 1924–2006
Germany 1924
Sweden 1938
México 1941
USA 1946
  M R
Additional references

Interview with Bruce Duffie [2013-09-09]

Schuback U Peter b. 1947
Sweden 1947
Schubert Manfred 1937–2011
Germany 1937
  M P R
Schulhoff U Erwin 1894–1942
Bohemia 1894
Austria 1906
Germany 1908
Austria 1914
Germany 1919
Czechoslovakia 1923
Germany 1941
  M P R
Schuller ext Gunther 1925–2015
USA 1925
  M P R
Additional references

Carnovale 1987