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Family Name Given Name Instrument Group   Start Stop    
Röntgen ext Engelbert Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1829 1874 1882 d. 1897

Alternated with Henry Schradieck, 1874–82

Röntgen ext Engelbert Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1829 1882 1884 d. 1897

Alternated with Henri Petri, 1882–84

Rother Max Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1867 1892 1902 d. 19uu
Sannemüller Horst Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1918 1952 1955 d. 2001
Schauss Willy Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1892 1937 1941 d. 19uu
Schradieck ext Henry Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1846 1874 1882 d. 1918

Alternated with Engelbert Röntgen, 1874–82

Schröder ext Alwin Cello Gewandhaus b. 1855 1881 1884 d. 1928

Alternated with Julius Klengel, 1881–84, playing in the group with 1st violinist Henry Schradieck, then Henri Petri

Schröder Alwin Cello Gewandhaus b. 1855 1884 1891 d. 1928
Schröder Carl Cello Gewandhaus b. 1848 1874 1881 d. 1935
Sebald Alexander Viola Gewandhaus b. 1869 1899 1904 d. 19uu
Steiner Richard Viola Gewandhaus b. 1897 1948 1949 d. 1982
Stiehler Kurt Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1910 1941 1945 d. 1981
Stiehler Kurt Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1910 1952 1955 d. 1981
Suske Conrad Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1958 1989 2018  
Suske Karl Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1934 1955 1962  
Suske Karl Violin I Gewandhaus b. 1934 1977 1993  
Thümer Julius Viola Gewandhaus b. 1841 1874 1884 d. 1uuu
Timm Jürnjakob Cello Gewandhaus b. 1949 1973 2014  
Timm Jürnjakob Cello Gewandhaus b. 1949 2018  
Uhlrich Wilhelm Carl Violin II Gewandhaus b. 1815 1836 1839 d. 1874