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Duration in minutes: A 0–10 B 10–20 C 20–30 D 30–50 E 50–80 F 80–130 G 130+
Family name Given name Life dates Residence Began Notes  
LeFanu U ext Nicola b. 1947
England 1947
  M P R
Problems, questions

Further residences to be determined

Legley Victor A
France 1915
Belgium 192u?
  M R
Lehrman U Leonard b. 1949
USA 1949
  M P R
Leibowitz René 1913–1972
Poland 1913
Germany 1925
France 1926
Leifs ext Jón 1899–1968
Iceland 1899
Germany 1916
Iceland 1935
Germany 1937
Sweden 1944
Iceland 1945
  M R
Additional references

Ragnarsson 1990

Leisner U David 1953–
USA 1953
  M P
Lenot U Jacques b. 1945
France 1945
  M P R
Lerdahl U Fred b. 1943
USA 1943
  M P R
Lesage U Jean b. 1958
Canada 1958
  M P R
Leshnoff U Jonathan b. 1973
USA 1973
  M P R
Levitin A
Yuriy A
Ukraine 1912
Russia 19uu
Uzbekistan 1941
Russia 1942
  M R
Levy U Ernst 1895–1981
Switzerland 1895
USA 1941
Switzerland 1966 ca.
Levy Frank 1930–2017
France 1930
USA 1939
Levy Jules 1930–2006
Greece 1930
Bulgaria 19uu
Lewis George b. 1952
USA 1952
  M P R
Leyendecker Ulrich 1946–2018
Germany (Federal Republic) 1946
  M R
Li U A

Shuying A
b. 1989
China 1989
USA 2010
  M P
Liang U Lei b. 1972
China 1972
USA 1990?
  M P R
Lidholm Ingvar 1921–2017
Sweden 1921
  M P R
Liebermann U Lowell b. 1961
USA 1961
  M P R